I would first of all like to congratulate my fellow comrades for their glorious win for the Hyde Newton By-election, even though I think Phil Fitzpatrick is a jumped up prick like his brother. It is a win for Labour and that means a win for Tameside.
As many of you have read recently in the press along with numerous adverts propagating the borough, I have launched the "Tameside Works First" innitiative or also known as "Tameside Jobs for Tameside Workers". It is a line I got from my fellow comrade,
We are going to spend £12m on public works in the borough, but we shall use private contractors from Tameside instead of our own staff. I have had many complaints about this as many are saying that this breaks local government procurement laws, but I said fuck it - Sandy will sort it.
I am off now to take my morphine drip.

Cllr. Roy Oldham CBE.
Executive Leader
1 comment:
As the Roman populous greeted Commodus on his return from Germania so we, the Grateful Toilers greet our Beloved Executive Leader on his return from hospital.
We express our pleasure at his wisdom and grasp of Scientific Socialism and The Marxist Dialect when he proposes to give Tameside Jobs to Tameside Workers.
There may be lickspittles of the fascist-reactionary sort who will point out that many senior workers live outside the borders of the Peoples Popular Republic of Tameside (Romiley, Wilmslow, etc) BUT THE GREAT LEADER IS DEALING WITH THIS.
He has already removed many of these outsiders, just as the great Stalin removed outsiders. Soon, thanks to a revised scale of rewards, they will only be able to afford to live in Tameside!
All praise to the genius of the Great Pilot of the Ship of State.
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