Friday 20 February 2009

Tameside Jobs for Tameside Workers

Dear Comrades,

I would first of all like to congratulate my fellow comrades for their glorious win for the Hyde Newton By-election, even though I think Phil Fitzpatrick is a jumped up prick like his brother. It is a win for Labour and that means a win for Tameside.

As many of you have read recently in the press along with numerous adverts propagating the borough, I have launched the "Tameside Works First" innitiative or also known as "Tameside Jobs for Tameside Workers". It is a line I got from my fellow comrade, Nick Griffin Gordon Brown who said I could use it. It worked for us in Hyde Newton.

We are going to spend £12m on public works in the borough, but we shall use private contractors from Tameside instead of our own staff. I have had many complaints about this as many are saying that this breaks local government procurement laws, but I said fuck it - Sandy will sort it.

I am off now to take my morphine drip.

Roy Oldham Signature

Cllr. Roy Oldham CBE.
Executive Leader

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Socialism from the Sickbed

Dear Comrades,

As many of you know, I am in for my operation at Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport to have my cancerous bladder removed. Many of you may wonder why I have opted for a non Tameside Hospital, this was due to advice from Dr. Kailash Chand who told me that Tameside Hospital was an utter shit hole - however he said it was OK for the likes of you.

Whilst I am away I have left the leaders duties to Comrade Kitchen. If you have any issues then you may mail them to him at

Roy Oldham Signature

Cllr. Roy Oldham CBE
Executive Leader