Saturday 9 May 2009

On Deaths Door

Dear Comrades,

You may have noticed that all is not well. I have to face the music and come to terms that I won't be able to lead my glorious empire for years to come. That's why I have got my funeral plan sorted with the Co-Op with the aid of Comrade Robinson.

I have decided that I am going to be preserved and placed in a glass coffin in the Setantii museum at Ashton town hall for the public to show their deepest sympathy for the glorious leader.

Artists Impression

Then Comrade J. Lane, has promised me a 50ft bronze statue to be commissioned of me. It is to be placed slap bang in the centre of Swallow's Wood - a reminder to those "green" people that my legacy still lives on. Comrade Taylor has promised to introduce more Tameside Stasi to patrol the area so scenes such as this don't occur:

There are more plans in the pipeline. Until then, I think I will think over them with a nice bottle of Jack Daniels with the Aide De Camp and general piss pot - Comrade Whitehead.

Roy Oldham Signature

Cllr. Roy Oldham CBE.
Executive Leader

Get Back to Work

Dear Comrades,

It appears that there is an insurgence of rebels within the Peoples Popular Republic of Tameside. This is all due to trade unions demanding a fair pay.

However Comrade K. Quinn said he had a slight problem of supporting me on cutting the pay of the workers. Even though I have given him the large task of running my economy of Tameside, somehow he fits in a second job as a trade union activist for the Communication Workers Union so he can pay off the villa in Spain. Well I didn't want him speaking out or voting against me in full council, so I told him and his wife to fuck off to the villa to hang around with all the other Labour fuckwits who have been exiled and set-up shop there.

I can't really stress that I can't have anymore embarrassments - especially after the farce of Comrade Kitchen running the council in my leave. I did tell him not to get ideas above his station, but I didn't mean make an absolute fuck-up of everything.

Roy Oldham Signature

Cllr. Roy Oldham CBE.
Executive Leader